How to Find Us
Our offices are located in the WEV building at the G (2nd) floor, in the heart of Zurich and close to the ETH Zurich main building.
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Take tram (street car) No. 7 (direction "Bahnhof Stettbach") or Tram No. 15 (direction "Bucheggplatz"). Exit the tram at station "Sonneggstrasse" (one stop after "Haldeneggsteig"). Follow "Weinbergstrasse" for about 200m down the hill, and you find the WEV office building on "Weinbergstrasse 58" to your left.
Take the railway to Zurich main station. At Zurich main station, take Tram 7 (direction "Bahnhof Stettbach") or Tram 15 (direction "Bucheggplatz"). Exit the tram at station "Sonneggstrasse" (one stop after "Haldenegg"). Follow "Weinbergstrasse" for about 200m down the hill, and you find the WEV office building on "Weinbergstrasse 58" to your left.
Alternatively, you also can take Tram 10 from the airport directly to "ETH Zurich", takes approx. 30min, follow directions below.
Standing in front of the main entrance with the building in your back walk up the main street "Raemistrasse" about 200m to your left and enter "Sonneggstrasse" after crossing "Tannenstrasse". Follow "Sonneggstrasse" for another 500m, take left on "Clausiusstrasse" and follow step footpath down to "Weinbergstrasse". You already see the WEV building on your left hand-side. Take a left and enter the WEV building at "Weinbergstrasse 58".
Arrival by public transportation is recommended.